Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

Scientists have Increased Fiber Optic capacity Nearly 20 Times

There’s a lot of speculations and fears regarding the fiber optic network that delivers the Internet to your home and offices — What will happen when the fiber optic cables max out?

Well, there is nothing to fear about it. Your Internet is Safe!

Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have recently managed to break the "capacity limits" of fiber optic networks, opening

OPM Temporarily Shuts Down Background Check App to Fix Security Hole

The web gateway used to render materials for Federal Background Investigations for employees and contractors has been shut down for several weeks after a vulnerability was detected, the Office of Personnel Management announced.

The agency announced the shut down citing the discovery of a vulnerability in its Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (E-QIP) system while

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 6, 2015

Hackers Exploit Zero-Day Magento Vulnerability to Steal Your Credit Cards

Hackers are increasingly exploiting an unknown flaw to siphon payment card information from e-commerce websites that use Magento, the most popular e-commerce platform owned by eBay.

Security researchers at Sucuri are still investigating the attack vector, but they believe that cyber criminals are injecting malicious code into the Magento core file or some widely used module/extension in

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 6, 2015

Google's Project to Offer Free Superfast Wi-Fi Internet to the World has Begun

Imagine a city with Wi-Fi hotspot. Now imagine that it is free as well. This won't be just an imagination for long as Google has unveiled its new plan to bring Free, Superfast Wi-Fi to cities around the world.

Sidewalk Labs, a Google-owned company that focuses on improving city living through technology innovations, has announced that the company will roll out free WiFi to everyone in New

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 6, 2015

World’s First 200GB microSD Card Arrives

There isn't any troll in the title. The "World's Largest microSD" card sized at 200GB is now officially available for purchasing from Amazon and number of retailers.

So, Is your 16GB, or 32GB, or even 64GB smartphone not enough to store all your data in one place?

Order a Sandisk's new high-capacity microSD card from Amazon now. However, the only issue is that it is not exactly very

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 6, 2015

Europol Arrests Gang Behind Zeus And SpyEye Banking Malware

The Law enforcement agencies from six different European countries have taken down a major Ukrainian-based cyber criminals gang suspected of developing, distributing and deploying Zeus and SpyEye banking malware.

According to the report on the official website of Europol, authorities have arrested five suspects between June 18 and 19.

All the five suspects are the members of an alleged

This Unbreakable Encryption Could Save the Internet

The Awareness to encrypt your private data, chat conversations as well as communication is booming like never before that soon the world will mark some day as the International Encryption Day.

This may or may not be possible in future, but Toshiba is all set to create a next level of encryption technology that the firm claims is absolutely unbreakable and "completely secure from tapping".

Cloud Source Repositories: Google Quietly Launches GitHub Competitor

After the death of Google code this winter, Google is apparently back in the business through the launch of its private Git repository hosting service on Google Cloud Platform called Cloud Source Repositories.
Not yet officially announced, but Google started providing free beta access to its new Cloud Source Repositories earlier this year, VentureBeat reported.
Similar to the

Facebook Can Recognize You Even if You Don't Show Your Face

Well, this is incredible and scary both at the same time. Forget about "facial" recognition; Facebook's newest technology is way good at identifying you in photos even without the need to see your face.

The New Scientist is reporting about the Facebook's new "experimental" facial recognition algorithm which is so powerful that it can identify you in photos even when your faces are hidden.

You Can Now Use Messenger App without a Facebook Account

Don't have Facebook account but want to use its Messenger service? Then go for it because Mark Zuckerberg wants even the people who hate Facebook to use the social network's separate Messenger service.

So, you no longer need an active Facebook account to make use of the Messenger service, all you need is just your name and phone number, the company announced today.

France May Offer Asylum to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

In wake of the latest revelations about the National Security Agency (NSA) global spying on country’s leaders, France may decide to offer political asylum to whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, as a "symbolic gesture."

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who is facing criminal espionage charges in the U.S., has remained in Russia for almost two years after exposing the

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 6, 2015

Adobe Releases Emergency Patch for Flash Zero-Day Vulnerability

Adobe has rolled out an emergency software patch for its Flash Player to patch a critical zero-day vulnerability that is already exploited by the hackers in the wild.

The company said the flaw could potentially allow hackers to take control of the affected system and that it had evidence of "limited, targeted attacks" exploiting the flaw.

Therefore, Adobe is urging users and

Google Chrome Silently Listening to Your Private Conversations

Google was under fire of downloading and installing a Chrome extension surreptitiously and subsequently listened to the conversations of Chromium users without consent.

After these accusations, a wave of criticism by privacy campaigners and open source developers has led Google to remove the extension from Chromium, the open-source version of the Chrome browser.

The extension in

Mind Blowing Radar-based Gesture Recognition Technology for Everything

Since it introduced at the annual Google I/O conference, Project Soli has been trending on the Internet.

Project Soli is one of Google's latest cutting-edge experiments that could actually transform the way humans interact with technology.

Project Soli is not a wearable watch you might think it is.

So what is Project Soli?

It's you.

Yes, you heard it right. Google's secretive

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 6, 2015

'Undo Send' — How to Unsend Emails in Gmail

Sending an important and confidential email to one of my friends and mistakenly clicked send to someone else. Holy crap!

This is something experienced by everyone of us at some point. When we accidentally hit the reply-all button, send an email to the wrong person, or sometimes forget to attach a file, and then left only with an instant pain of regret. It feels like there is no going back.

Creator of Blackshades Malware Jailed 4 Years in New York

A Swedish man who was the mastermind behind the $40 BlackShades Remote Access Tool (RAT) that infected over half a million systems around the world was sentenced to almost five years in a U.S. prison on Tuesday.

Alex Yücel, 25, owned and operated an organization called "BlackShades" that sold a sophisticated and notorious form of software, called RAT, to several thousands of hackers and

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 6, 2015

How to Hack into Computers using Pita Bread and A Radio

There's a new and clever way of hacking into computers, and it can be done cheaply – Using just a radio receiver and a piece of pita bread.

Yeah, you heard it right. Security researchers at Tel Aviv University have demonstrated how to extract secret decryption keys from computers by capturing radio emissions of laptop computers.

Capturing the radio signals to steal data from a computer

How Google Is Tracking Your Movie and Event Activities

No doubt, You must be aware that Google tracks you, but what you probably did not realize is how precisely and till what extent it tracks you.

Well, Google knows which movies I watched where, when, at what time and with how many of my friends, and knows it so well — even my eyebrows raised slightly in surprise!

Yes, you heard right.

If you are using your Gmail account like I do,

WebAssembly — New Standard for Powerful and Faster Web Apps

Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Mozilla have joined hands to create code for use in the future web browsers that promises up to 20 times faster performance.

Dubbed WebAssembly (or wasm for short), a project to create a new portable bytecode for the Web that will be more efficient for both desktop as well as mobile web browsers to parse than the complete source code of a Web page or an

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 6, 2015

How to Manage Android App Permissions to Protect Your Privacy

Do you actually read the list of permissions that Android apps are asking for before you install them?

I know most of us treat those permissions like terms and conditions, blindly tapping our way through. But if you actually do, you would be aware of their reach.

Some of your apps can make phone calls
Some can track your location
Some can read your browsing history, contacts, SMS,

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 6, 2015

WhatsApp Ranked Worst at Protecting Your Privacy and Data

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has released its annual report card of tech companies for 2015 based upon how much they keep your personal data secure from government snoops.

And the Worst Companies Award goes to…


Yes, you heard right! WhatsApp is one of the three worst companies at protecting its users’ data so if you are concerned about your data privacy,

This Simple Trick Requires Only Your Phone Number to Hack your Email Account

We all have been receiving spam phone calls and messages on almost daily basis from scammers who want to pilfer your money and personal information, but a new type of social engineering hack that makes use of just your mobile number to trick you is a little scarier.

Security firm Symantec is warning people about a new password recovery scam that tricks users into handing over their webmail

5G Mobile Networks to Offer Speed Up To 20Gbps

While many of us are battling with the slow data access and still awaiting the roll-out of 4G Networks, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is already looking forward to the next generation of telecommunication network technology.

Yes folks, we are talking about the future 5G standard for mobile networking.

Since 5G standard is currently in the definition stage, the ITU has

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 6, 2015

Free Encryption Project to issue First SSL/TLS Certificates Next Month

Let's Encrypt, a project aimed to provide free-of-charge and easier-to-implement way to obtain and use a digital cryptographic certificates (SSL/TLS) to secure HTTPS website, is looking forward to issue its first digital certificates next month.

With Let's Encrypt, any webmaster interested in implementing HTTPS for their services can get the certificates for free, which is a great move for

Samsung Flaw Lets Hacker Easily Take Control of Your Galaxy Mobile Remotely

More than 600 Million users of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the newly released Galaxy S6, are potentially vulnerable to a software bug that allows hackers to secretly monitor the phone's camera and microphone, read text messages and install malicious apps.

The vulnerability is due to a problem with the Samsung built-in keyboard app that enables easier predictive text.

One of

Zero-Day Exploits for Stealing OS X and iOS Passwords

I think you'll agree with me when I say: Apple devices are often considered to be more safe and secure than other devices that run on platforms like Windows and Android, but a recent study will make you think twice before making this statement.

A group of security researchers have uncovered potentially deadly zero-day vulnerabilities in both iOS and OS X operating systems that could put

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 6, 2015

How To Encrypt Your USB Drive to Protect Data

The USB flash drives or memory sticks are an excellent way to store and carry data and applications for access on any system you come across. With storage spaces already reaching 256 gigabytes, nowadays USB drives are often larger than past's hard drives.
Thanks to increased storage capacity and low prices, you can easily store all your personal data on a tiny, easy-to-carry, USB memory stick.

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 6, 2015

IT Security – Do it the hard or easy way!

Whether you are a one-stop-shop IT guy or a network admin on a large IT team you owe it to yourself to learn about Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology.

Why? SIEM lets you correlate between events recorded in different logs for related systems. This is significant because attackers often exploit multiple vulnerabilities on separate but connected systems.

For a

Do You also want to Hack Facebook Account of your Girlfriend?

We at The Hacker News get a lot of requests via emails and messages from people who want to hack into someone else’s Facebook account or Gmail account or break into somebody’s network.

However, 80 to 90 percent requests we receive every day are from people who want to hack into their girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband’s Facebook account in order to read their private conversations and

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 6, 2015

I keep 200+ Browser Tabs Open, and My Computer Runs Absolutely Fine. Here’s My Secret.

I don't know about your part, but I make heavy use of tabs. I currently have 200+ tabs open in my Google Chrome Web browser. And sometimes the number is even more.

For me it's a daily thing, as I regularly open new tabs because of my habit of reading lots of stuff online, including cyber security updates, hacking news, knowledgeable articles of various categories, new recipes to cook

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 6, 2015

Why We Love Android M (And You Should, Too!)

Google has recently announced its latest version of the mobile operating system called Android M at its official Google I/O 2015 developer event May 28 in San Francisco.

We don’t know exactly what is the 'M' stands for just yet. My guess is it could be Marzipan or maybe Milky Way. Let me know what you guys think, so write me your guesses down below in the comments.

Android M is not

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 6, 2015

Apple Mac OS X 10.11 'El Capitan' Update unveiled at WWDC 2015

After Google made its Android users happy by unveiling new features in Google I/O developer conference last month, it’s now time for Apple fans…WWDC 2015 event is upon us.

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference is going on in San Francisco and the company has many new surprises for its users. One of them is the new operating system for Macs, which Apple unveiled on stage on Monday.

Python for Security Professionals: Free IT Security Training

Python is an excellent programming language that has rapidly become popular among Hackers, Reverse engineers, software testers, Forensic analyst and Penetration testers.

Python is a simple object-oriented and minimalistic language that is easy to learn for novice programmers as well as experienced developers. Most Python programs run on all major operating systems including Windows, Linux

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 6, 2015

Is China Behind the Massive Data Theft of 4 Million U.S. Officials?

The US federal agency has notified its 4 Million current and former government employees that their private data has been compromised in a massive data breach.

Hackers managed to break into US government computer systems in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and steal records of Millions of employees, making it one of the largest known breaches of information ever on federal workers.

Beware! Facebook UnfriendAlert Software Steals Your Account Password

Today everybody wants to know — Who visited my Facebook profile?, Who unfriended me from the Facebook Friend list?, Who saw my Facebook posts?, and many other features that isn't provided by Facebook by default.

So most Facebook users try to find out a software and fall victim to one that promises to accomplish their desired task. Hackers make use of this weakness and often design

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 6, 2015

How Apple Pay Can Be Hacked to Steal Your Credit Card Details

Today anywhere you go, you will come across Free or Public WiFi hotspots -- it makes our travel easier when we stuck without a data connection.
Isn’t it?
But, I think you’ll agree with me when I say:
This Free WiFi hotspot service could bring you in trouble, as it could be a bait set up by hackers or cyber criminals to get access to devices that connects to the free network.
This is why mobile

Hijacking WhatsApp Account in Seconds Using This Simple Trick

The hugely popular smartphone messaging service WhatsApp, acquired by Facebook for over $20 billion last year, has reportedly been found to be prone to hijacking without unlocking or knowing your device password, making its hundreds of Millions of users vulnerable to, not just hackers, but also non-technical people.

This trick lets anyone surrounds you to get effectively control over your

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 6, 2015

The Pirate Bay Co-Founder Released From Swedish Prison

Fredrik Neij, the third and the last founder of the infamous file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, was released on Monday from a Swedish prison.

Neij, who goes by the online moniker "TiAMO", was arrested by Thai immigration authorities at the end of November 2014 while he was trying to cross the border illegally from Laos to Thailand and then extradited to a prison in Skänninge, Sweden.

This Simple Message Can Crash Skype Badly and Forces Re-Installation

Just last week iPhone and iPad users were dealing with an iOS text bug that caused the app to crash and iPhones to reboot, now a similar bug has been found that takes out Skype — the popular video chat and messaging service.

Yes, Microsoft-owned Skype VoIP client is also affected by a bug that crashes almost every single version of the Skype client on both desktops and mobile phones with a

Microsoft Plans to Add Secure Shell (SSH) to Windows

Until now Unix and Linux system administrators have to download a third-party SSH client software like Putty on their Windows machines to securely manage their machines and servers remotely through Secure Shell protocol or Shell Session (better known as SSH).

This might have always been an awkward feature of Windows platform, as it lacks both – a native SSH client software for connecting

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 6, 2015

Apple Mac OSX Zero-Day Bug Allows Hackers to Install RootKit Malware

A zero-day software vulnerability discovered deep in the firmware of many Apple computers could allows an attacker to modify the system’s BIOS and install a rootkit, potentially gaining complete control of the victim’s Mac.

The critical vulnerability, discovered by well-known OS X security researcher Pedro Vilaca, affects Mac computers shipped before mid-2014 that are allowed to go into

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 6, 2015

New Facebook feature Encourages users to use PGP for Encrypted Communications

In this era of Global surveillance, we all are worried about the privacy of our communication and sensitive data. There is no guarantee that our data is not being snooped on, but there is a solution — PGP (Pretty Good Privacy).

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is more than 20 years old technology but is yet not widely adopted.

PGP is an open source end-to-end encryption standard to encrypt

How to Hack a Computer Using Just An Image

Next time when someone sends you a photo of a cute cat or a hot chick than be careful before you click on the image to view — it might hack your machine.

Yes, the normal looking images could hack your computers — thanks to a technique discovered by security researcher Saumil Shah from India.

Dubbed "Stegosploit," the technique lets hackers hide malicious code inside the pixels of an

This MicroSD Card Has Entire Secure Computer Inside It

As Millions of Hackers, Spammers and Scammers are after your sensitive online data, you can't really expect your passwords to stay secure forever, even if you are using long passwords.

Most of us might be worried about losing our passwords as we keep signing up for online services.

However, Google is equally concerned about your online security and wants to help you protect your most